Small web app created to help people get from point A to point B, and know what's at point B. Created with barebones html, css, and javascript.
Live Link Link to repoVideo game cataloging website. Add any game you want to your collection!* Created using handlebars templating, mySQL to store users/games, and the giant bomb API wrapper for fetching games.
*as long as it's in Giant Bomb's database
Live Link Link to repoWebsite to create and share yard sales. Uses MongoDB, passport for authentication, bcrypt to store passwords, and react for the front end.
Live Link Link to repoScript designed to kill a twitter account. Could possibly run into twitter API limits, but seems unlikely.
Link to scriptDo you ever just think that you have too many albums on your computer that you haven't listened to? Just point this script to your library (and your music player) and go!
Link to scriptScript/self-bot designed to listen to a twitter user's timeline and post the tweets to specified discord channels.
Link to scriptWeb game where you click on various gems with random values in order to increase your score to a randomly chosen total. Made with HTML, CSS, and js. Uses bootstrap for layout.
Live Link Link to repoTrivia game based on Bemani music games. Uses jquery for handling clicks and bootstrap for layout.
Live Link Link to repoDoes what it says on the tin. Finds gifs using Giphy's API, using jquery's ajax calls. Default queries are animes because I like anime.
Live Link Link to repoSmall site for scheduling trains with the ability to see when the next train is, how long until it arrives, destination, etc.
Uses firebase for storing train information along with using Moment.js for time calculation.
Live Link Link to repoCLI Application for "ordering" items from a store. Uses MySQL for database and Node for command line.
Link to repoSite for listing burgers and eating burgers. Uses MySQL to store burgers and eaten status, and handlebars for layout. Keeping this because I'm proud of the styling.
Live Link Link to repoSurvey that helps match you with your friend of choice. Themed on bemani games again because I like them. Has it's own API, uses express for routing.
Live Link Link to repoGame where you click on random album art that moves on each touch and try to not get duplicates. Made with react.
Live Link Link to repoCLI Twitter Bot for posting random quotes at pre-defined intervals. Generally not very useful.
Link to repo